Ministry of Trade
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New Statutory texts

 29 Mars 2016: 

 -Executive Decree No. 16-66 February 16, 2016 defining the document model in lieu of invoice as well as the categories of economic agents required to use it. (JO n ° 10 February 22, 2016)

 - Executive Decree No. 16-61 February 11, 2016 amending and supplementing Executive Decree No. 09-410 10 December 2009 laying down safety rules for activities on sensitive equipment.  (OJ No. 09 of 17 fevrier2016)

- Executive Decree No. 16-65 February 16, 2016 amending and supplementing Executive Decree No. 01-50 12 February 2001 laying down the prices to the production and the different stages of distribution of pasteurized milk packaged in bag. (OJ No. 09 of February 17, 2016)


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