Flow chart and Missions
1/- Department of the observation of the market and economic information:
- the office of the observation of the market and the statistics
- the office of the organization of the market T of the regulated professions
- the office of the promotion of the foreign trade and the markets of public utilities
2/- Department of the control of the business practices and anti-competitive:
- the office of the control of the business practices
- the office of the control of the anticompetitive practices
- the office of the specialized investigations
3 /- Department of the consumer protection and of the repression of the frauds:
- the office of the control of the industrial products and the services
- the office of the control of the food products
- the office of the promotion of quality and the relationships to the associative movement
4/- Department of legal affair and legal department:
- the office of the dispute of the business practices
- the office of the dispute of the repression of the frauds
- the office of the legal affairs and the follow-up of covering
5/- Department of the administration and the means:
- the office of the formation and personnel
- the office of accountancy, the budget and the means
- the office of data processing and documentation and the files
The direction of wilaya of the trade has the roles of implementing the national policy stopped in the fields of the foreign trade, competition, quality, the consumer protection, organization of the marketing activities and the regulated professions and economic control and the repression of the frauds
For this reason, it is charged, in particular:
— To take care of the application of the legislation and the regulation relating to the foreign trade, the business practices, competition, the commercial organization, the consumer protection and the repression of the frauds;
— To contribute to the connection, installation of the information system on the market situation with the national system of information;
— To put forward all measures in legislative and lawful matter relating to the exercise and the organization of the regulated professions;
—To put forward all measures aiming at improving the conditions of creation, establishment and exercise of the marketing activities and professional;
— To contribute to the development and the animation of any organization or association whose object is in relation to its prerogatives;
— To implement any device stopped by the central administration, framing promotion of exports;
— To put forward all measures being able to have for effect promotion of exports;
—To coordinate and animate the activities of the structures and spaces intermediate having missions as regards promotion of the external commercial exchanges;
— To contribute to the development of the information system relating to the external commercial exchanges;
— To implement and the economic repression checking routine of the frauds and to put forward all measures aiming at the development and the reinforcement of the function of control;
— To ensure, in collaboration with the structures concerned, the implementation of the intersector action plans;
— To deal with the follow-up of the dispute related to its activities.